Find out when you will start paying for your new sofa, if you chose finance.
Once you’ve placed your order, you may have to wait anywhere from 7 days to 12 weeks for delivery depending on which sofa you chose. If you are paying monthly via one of our finance providers, you will only begin paying for your sofa once it is delivered to your home. The date of your monthly payment will have been agreed in advance by you and your provider.
For more information, you can contact your provider directly. Check your paperwork to find out who your provider is and their contact number is provided below.
V12: 0292 046 8912 or by using V12 Self Service
Creation/Laser: 0371 402 8905 or by viewing your Online Account
Barclays Partner Finance: 0800 15 22 888 or by viewing your account online
Etika: 0800 028 9321